Getting More Racers

What entices racers to want to ride in this organization? What are reasons or problems they are having that may prevent them from getting into racing.

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All Racers | Get 1st Time Racers | Get Existing Racers in the Area | Get Racers from Outside of the Area

Pertinent to All Racers

  1. Social Media: Facebook, YouTube

    When others share videos and photos this is your time to Share, Like, Comment, Subscribe... repeat. If we can't adopt this as a regular habit, then we will not growing.

  2. Online Forums

    Local forums are great to share local events. Forums that reach outside of your area (like Yamaha R1, Honda Ruckus) have world wide outreach and the potential to help videos and photos go viral. These are excellent opportunities to help our materials get the kind of traffic necessary to attrack sponsors.

  3. Arrange Dealer Visits

    The organization should be represented at least once per month in various locations, with the organization Brand (like OMRRA) clearly visible, racers and their bikes. Having special events during each event provides an opportunity to bring up something fresh that is happening in the next event.

  1. Visit dealers and shops. Stop by and let them know how things are going since the last round. If it is the off season, discuss plans for next season. Encourage them to participate. Dealers need you, and you need them. If we all stopped going to dealers and bought all of our stuff online, those dealers will either close or reduce what they have to offer.

  2. Like, Share, and Subscribe. Even if you don't leave comments, those actions help promote and get the word out... and some folks (like promoters) depend on that feedback to continue to exist.

Get 1st Time Racers

We need to identify as many opportunities as we can to offer folks to attend an event.

It is imperative that every sport bike sold should have some kind of invitation to an organization event. Whether that be at a track or quarterly "meet and greets"... they need to get exposed to the idea of the track. There should also be offers from track day organizers, as this is an excellent introduction to the sport.

  1. You would be surpised how many people go and buy their child a little bike to go race, and they don't know that there is an excellent option to riding on dirt tracks... take that thing to a small track and have them practice their skills on pavement. Colin Edwards had a background in motocross and was winning, but getting bored. It only took hime one time on a paved track to leave motocross for the street.

  2. This is another example where we want to make sure dealers and shops know about and recommend the small tracks for riders to learn in a closed environment. Possibly coordinating quarterly small track days for youth and first timers... something where we could put dates and details so the dealer/shops would know to promote.

  3. If you have photos or video you can post on social media showing yourself or a child's first times on pavement... post it up.

Get Existing Racers in the Area

It is important to keep track of customers. If they are not returning, do we know why? If not, contact them... once you get a hold of them you can talk about the next event, or more importantly if it has been a while since they have attended... ask them for details. You can't fix something if you don't know it is broken.

Get Racers from Outside of the Area

  1. Blended rounds are an excellent way to get racers from further away to experience our tracks.

  2. When we have blended rounds make sure to get contact information and follow up with riders from other areas. Find ways to connect with them in social media and stay in touch.

  3. When you race with other racers, make sure to get out of your comfort zone and meet at least one new rider that you didn't know and see about connecting with them on social media. Follow up with them by sharing posts with them and events that are coming up.
